#1 Let's talk about software architecture!


Marcel Mata

Lest we forget: core knowledge matters

Marcel Mata

Senior backend developer

The proliferation of bootcamps and parachuting into our job market could spell trouble. Our industry does well introducing best practices for maintainability and quality, but these cannot stand on their own as a key Computer Science knowledge is dissipating. We will brush through today's signs of knowledge decay, alongside with reminders of how classic knowledge can be extrapolated into today’s sprints, and most importantly not bog down good architectures.

Mathias Verraes

Emergent Boundaries

Mathias Verraes

Student of Systems

Modelling is more than knowledge management. It’s complexity management. To reduce cognitive load, you split things up, whether at small scale, in code, or in the large, such as Bounded Contexts. But if you choose large boundaries upfront, you risk getting it wrong, and being stuck to them for a long time. Join Mathias in a discussion of better ways of empirically discovering boundaries instead.

Angel Costela

How we integrated 3rd parties with scalable service and serverless functions

Angel Costela

Team Leader & backend developer, Docplanner

Using other's people and companies software, while Developing SaaS applications nowadaysis very common. These kind of integrations lead to different challenges in relation with consistency, performance, security and so on... On the other hand, we have a lot of new tools that can abstract you from platform management, like serverless functions, we will learn a setup that we applied to integrate our product with different 3rd party platforms using these echnologies.