#2 DP Tech Talk BCN #2 - Frontend Edition


Michał Kutra

Performance optimization in classic (non Single Page App) architecture

Michał Kutra

Frontend team leader

Several months ago we decided to optimize the load time of our customer's profiles. The hypothesis we had was simple: improving performance will affect SEO (increase positions at Google). What did we do? & what results did we get? I would like to share this story with You :)

Joan Leon

Houdini: programming in 088

Joan Leon

Frontend developer

CSS has always been considered the least controllable, complicated, magical and sometimes somewhat random part. Houdini offers us a set of APIs and Javascript tools that gives us the possibilioty to extend CSS to access the design process and style of the browser rendering engine. In the CSS engine, there is a sequence of rocesses that we can modify with Houdini. We have methods like 'registerProperty', 'registerLayout' or 'registerPaint' that allow us to program our own fully optimized modules so that the CSS engine interprets them natively All frontend people should be interested in Houdini, since it will greatly facilitate the development of the webs of the future. I want to tell you about the status of the project, what is to come, show you a few cool and inspiring examples and at the end of the talk, I hope to get you to say "CSS is awesome".

Eduardo Partipilo

Plant the Vue seed in AngularJS

Eduardo Partipilo

Frontend developer (Docplanner)

How to make these two frameworks co-exist. Keep alive the legacy code while migrate to a new technology. Is possible to have two different framework teams working on the same product.